If you prefer fast shipping, we recommend purchasing from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or (our favorite) Powell’s. We love when you buy directly from Cobalt, but we just can’t ship as quickly.
After more than a decade, the team has decided to sunset Cobalt Review, as it currently exists, at the end of our current domain/hosting cycle (June 2025).
Submissions have closed at this time, and any works that are in the queue are still under consideration and will be reviewed for possible publication by the end of the year. That is, we may offer to publish your work in April of 2025, but you’ll hear from us before or shortly after December 31, 2024.
Though many of the details about our long-term plan are still being worked out, two things are certain:
We have absolutely loved this project that began in 2011, but we recognize that our lives have changed a lot since then. The slush piles have grown beyond our control, and it’s getting harder and harder to trust that we can catch up. We also know and respect that sending us your work, something you care deeply about, deserves more attention than we have capacity for.
So watch this space! I’ll post more information about the transition as soon as I can. In the meantime, if you have questions, send them to us at cobalt@cobaltreview.com. We check it weekly-ish.
Thank you for all the love and support,
Andrew K